Visit Putney

Visiting Putney is essential. Some schools want to be careful about what they let visitors see; at Putney, we want you to see as much as possible so that you can be informed and excited about the possibilities ahead.

At Putney, we believe that students learn best by doing, and this holds true for prospective students as well. You’ll come away from your visit with a clearer idea of what life is like here, and you’ll never know all the different things that high school can be until you’ve seen Putney in action.

Schedule a Visit

We encourage families to visit while school is in session so that students and parents have the opportunity to sit in on classes, connect with faculty, and ask questions of current students. Visits typically begin at 8:00 am, 9:15 am, or at 1 pm, and we aim for visits to include a student-led tour, at least one class visit, and in-depth interviews for students and parents by one of our admission counselors.

The ideal time to visit Putney is before submitting an application. For more information about visiting Putney, please contact


Plan Your Trip

Directions, where to stay, and how to get around campus. We’ve got your logistics covered.


Interview FAQs

From what to bring to how to dress, here’s everything you need to know about the interview process.


Virtual Visit

Want a sneak peek? Take a video tour of our campus, class visits, work program and more.



What Happens on a Putney Visit?

Arrival The Admission Office is located in the Main Building directly in front of our parking lot. There you will check in with your admission counselor.
Class Visit  Academic classes at Putney are rigorous, engaging and important for you to experience. If you would like  to visit a certain class or subject, please let us know when you are scheduling your visit, so we can try to make that possible. 
Milk Lunch Snack
All School Assembly or Sing Assembly is a unique, energizing, community tradition in which the entire school comes together to share student performances and presentations, hear from guest speakers, and relay important logistical information. Assembly is led by either Head of School Danny O’Brien or the two student Heads of School. On Thursdays, Assembly is replaced with Sing, led by Musical Director Eric Thomas. 
Campus Tour  As is often the case at Putney, students take the lead. Our student tour guides show the campus to prospective students and their families together. This is an opportunity for you to ask your key questions and gain the perspective of our current students, stop by the centers of student life, and glimpse a few of Putney’s 500+ rural acres. Make sure to mention any particular hopes you have for the tour, whether it be stopping by the blacksmithing studio or the horse barn.
Student and Parent Interviews Our interviews are more conversations than performances. We are eager to learn all about who you are and the journey you have been on … and the journey you are hoping to build for yourself!  We find these conversations are helpful for our learning and for yours, so our preferences is to make sure we have time with you and with the key adults in your family.
Lunch When possible, we welcome you to join us for lunch at the KDU (Kitchen and Dining Unit), which regularly serves farm-to-table food straight from the Elm Lea Farm and other local sources.


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